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About Drago Dedić

his beautiful, rough-hewn artist was born in 1937 in Orahovo, Montenegro (Yugoslavia). He began primary school in 1946. In the same year, his father was imprisoned for his political opinions and remained in prison for three-and-a-half years. This was a painful time for the young Dedic who left home in 1950 for Podujevo in Kosovo where he finished his secondary school studies while working to earn a living.

In 1955, he went home to Montenegro and entered senior high school. Dedic had been brought-up the hard way and was now a streetwise youngster. But he was also attracted to literature and the theatre and wrote a play for which he obtained third prize in a competition. 

Unfortunately, during these troubled times, he once again had to leave his native land after participating in a strike with his fellow students. He went to Prizen, in Kosovo, where he began studying for his senior high school degree. In 1961, he began studying at the Faculty of Electronics in the Montenegro capital, Titograd.

He was a teacher in 1963 and 1964 at the Drezga School in Piperi. He then was incorporated into the army. After his military service ended in 1965, he decided to remain in Belgrade where he studied at the School of Politics. His first child was born in Belgrade.

After numerous difficulties and adventures, he travelled to France in 1967…and stayed. He worked at all kinds of jobs, but always continued to relentlessly draw and paint. His first exhibition was at the Galerie Lambert in 1973. For many years now, he has been exclusively devoted to his work as an artist.

In 1980, his second child was born and in 1982, a third child was born.

Drago Dedic is a member of the French "Maison des Artistes" since 1977 and since 1983, he is a member of the Montenegro Union of Artists.



O Drago Dedić

Drago Dedić, rođen je (1937) u Orahovu kod Podgorice. Zavrsio je osnovnu školu u Podujevu, gimnaziju započeo u Titogradu, a maturirao je u Prizrenu. U Titogradu je studirao na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu, odlazi na odsluženje vojnog roka, a zatim nastavlja studije u Beogradu. Otpočeo je da se napaja umjetnošću, bavi se slikarstvom, poezijom, prozom, pozorištem, odlazi (1967) za Pariz, gdje nastavlja intenzivno da stvara na slikarskom planu. Svoje prvo likovno predstavljanje imao je (1973) na grupnoj izložbi u čuvenoj galeriji "Lambert" u centru Pariza na ostrvu Sen Lui. Od tada permanentno slika i izlaže  samostalno i grupno u Francuskoj i svijetu, a posebno na poznatim salonima: "Salon ACAM", "Salon d'Automne", “Salon du Dessinet de la Peinture à l’eau“, "Figuration Critique", "Salon d'Hiver", "Salon des Artistes Indépedants", “Salon International d’été.Avignon“, "Salon de Mai", "Salon Societe Nationale des Beaux Arts", "Salon Comparaisons", "Salon Societe des Artistes Francais", „International Art Exsposition 1980, New Yor“, "Salon Fantastique", "Salon des Grands et Jeunes d'Aujourd'hui". Do sada je priredio trideset osam, samostalnih a učestvovao je na gotovo tri stotine grupnih i kolektivnih izložbi u Francuskoj i inostranstvu. Dobitnik je većeg broja nagrada i priznanja za likovno stvaralaštvo. Djela mu se nalaze u mnogim galerijama, muzejima i privatnim kolekcijama, Francuskoj, Engleskoj, Njemačkoj, Libanu, Koreji. Član je "Maison des Artistes" (1977) i Udruženja likovnih umujetnika Crne Gore (1983). Duži period je član organizacinih komiteta "Salon d'Automne" i "Figuration Critique". Stalno živi i stvara u Parizu a povremeno i u Budvi.



A propos de Drago Dedić

Cet artiste à la beauté rude est né en 1937 à Orahovo, dans le Monténégro (Yougoslavie). Il entre à l'école primaire en 1946. La même année, son père est mis en prison pour ses convictions politiques, il y restera trois ans et six mois. 
Moments pénibles qui verront l'adolescent quitter son foyer en 1950 pour partir à Podujevo (Kosovo) et terminer ses études au collège tout en travaillant.
En 1955, retour au pays : avec son entrée au lycée, Drago, qui a l'expérience des enfants de la rue, élevé "à la dure", ressent un intérêt tout particulier pour la littérature et le théâtre : il écrit notamment une pièce de théâtre pour laquelle il obtient un troisième prix.
Malheureusement, en cette période troublée, pour avoir fait grève avec ses camarades de classe, il quitte à nouveau son pays natal et prépare son baccalauréat à Prizren (Kosovo). En 1961, il s'inscrit à la faculté d'électronique à Titograd.
Après avoir exercé le professorat en 1963 et 1964 au collège de Drezga à Piperi, il part faire son service militaire. A son retour de l'armée, en 1965, il décide de rester à Belgrade où il s'inscrit à l'école politique. C'est là que naît son premier enfant.
Après de multiples tribulations, il passe un jour par la France en 1967 et y reste. Tout en exerçant différents métiers, il dessine et peint sans relâche. Il expose pour la première fois à la Galerie Lambert en 1973. Depuis il vit à Paris et se consacre uniquement à son art. En 1980 naît son deuxième enfant puis le troisième en1982.
Drago Dedic est affilié à la maison des artistes depuis 1977 et adhérant à l'union des artistes monténégrins depuis 1983.

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